addValue(String, AndsPidClient.HandleType, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Adds a value to an existing handle.
addValueByIndex(String, int, AndsPidClient.HandleType, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Adds a value to a particular index of an existing handle.
addValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String, int, AndsPidClient.HandleType, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Adds a value to a particular index of an existing handle.
addValueFormattedResponse(String, AndsPidClient.HandleType, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Adds a value to an existing handle.
AndsPidClient - Class in au.csiro.pidclient
This is the main interface to the ANDS PID Client library.
AndsPidClient() - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Default constructor.
AndsPidClient(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
AndsPidClient(String, int, String, AndsPidIdentity) - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
AndsPidClient.HandleType - Enum in au.csiro.pidclient
The possible types of properties that can be associated with a handle.
AndsPidIdentity - Class in au.csiro.pidclient.business
Represents the identify information required when calling the ANDS Persistent Identifier service.
AndsPidIdentity() - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
AndsPidIdentity(String, String, String) - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
AndsPidResponse - Class in au.csiro.pidclient
Represents an ANDS Persistent Identifier service response.
AndsPidResponse() - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
AndsPidResponseProperty - Class in au.csiro.pidclient.business
Represent a property triple: .
AndsPidResponseProperty() - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
AndsPidResponseProperty(int, String, String) - Constructor for class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
au.csiro.pidclient - package au.csiro.pidclient
Provides a simple interface to use the Persistent IDentifier Service provided by the Australian National Data Service.
au.csiro.pidclient.business - package au.csiro.pidclient.business
Support classes for the ANDS PID client library.


deleteValueByIndex(String, int) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Deletes a value associated with an existing handle.
deleteValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String, int) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Deletes a value associated with an existing handle.


escape(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
Escape reserved characters, assumes UTF-8 or UTF-16 as encoding.


getAppId() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
getAuthDomain() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
getHandle(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Retrieves the values associated with a given handle.
getHandle() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
getHandleFormattedResponse(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Retrieves the values associated with a given handle.
getHandles() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
getIdentifier() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
getIndex() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
getMessage() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
getPidServiceHost() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Retrieve the current ANDS Persistent Identifier host name
getPidServicePath() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Retrieve the current ANDS Persistent Identifier path name (web application context name)
getPidServicePort() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Retrieve the ANDS Persistent Identifier port number
getProperties() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
getRequestorIdentity() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Retrieve the identity information of the calling application/organisation.
getType() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
getValue() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
getXmlResponse() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse


isEmpty() - Method in enum au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient.HandleType
isSuccess() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse


listHandles() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
List the handles owned by the caller of the ANDS PID service.
listHandlesFormattedResponse() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
List the handles owned by the caller of the ANDS PID service.


mintHandle(AndsPidClient.HandleType, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Responsible for the creation of a handle.
mintHandle(AndsPidClient.HandleType, int, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Responsible for the creation of a handle with a value at a specific index.
mintHandleFormattedResponse(AndsPidClient.HandleType, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Responsible for the creation of a handle.
mintHandleFormattedResponse(AndsPidClient.HandleType, int, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Responsible for the creation of a handle with a value at a specific index.
modifyValueByIndex(String, int, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Changes a value associated with an existing handle.
modifyValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String, int, String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Changes a value associated with an existing handle.


NO_HANDLE_FOUND - Static variable in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
A constant that represents the case where no handle is returned.


setAppId(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
setAuthDomain(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
setHandles(List<String>) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
setIndex(int) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
setMessage(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
setPidServiceHost(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Set the ANDS Persistent Identifier host name.
setPidServicePath(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Set the current ANDS Persistent Identifier path name (web application context name)
setPidServicePort(int) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Set the ANDS Persistent Identifier port number
setProperties(List<AndsPidResponseProperty>) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
setRequestorIdentity(AndsPidIdentity) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient
Set the identity information of the calling application/organisation.
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse
setType(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
setValue(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidResponseProperty
setXmlResponse(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidResponse


toString() - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
toXML(String) - Method in class au.csiro.pidclient.business.AndsPidIdentity
Formats the identity information into a XML format that the ANDS Persistent Identifier service understands.


value() - Method in enum au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient.HandleType
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient.HandleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum au.csiro.pidclient.AndsPidClient.HandleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


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