Uses of Class

Packages that use AndsPidClient.HandleType
au.csiro.pidclient Provides a simple interface to use the Persistent IDentifier Service provided by the Australian National Data Service

Uses of AndsPidClient.HandleType in au.csiro.pidclient

Methods in au.csiro.pidclient that return AndsPidClient.HandleType
static AndsPidClient.HandleType AndsPidClient.HandleType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static AndsPidClient.HandleType[] AndsPidClient.HandleType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in au.csiro.pidclient with parameters of type AndsPidClient.HandleType
 String AndsPidClient.addValue(String handle, AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Adds a value to an existing handle.
 String AndsPidClient.addValueByIndex(String handle, int index, AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Adds a value to a particular index of an existing handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.addValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String handle, int index, AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Adds a value to a particular index of an existing handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.addValueFormattedResponse(String handle, AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Adds a value to an existing handle.
 String AndsPidClient.mintHandle(AndsPidClient.HandleType type, int index, String value)
          Responsible for the creation of a handle with a value at a specific index.
 String AndsPidClient.mintHandle(AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Responsible for the creation of a handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.mintHandleFormattedResponse(AndsPidClient.HandleType type, int index, String value)
          Responsible for the creation of a handle with a value at a specific index.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.mintHandleFormattedResponse(AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Responsible for the creation of a handle.

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