Uses of Class

Packages that use AndsPidResponse
au.csiro.pidclient Provides a simple interface to use the Persistent IDentifier Service provided by the Australian National Data Service

Uses of AndsPidResponse in au.csiro.pidclient

Methods in au.csiro.pidclient that return AndsPidResponse
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.addValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String handle, int index, AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Adds a value to a particular index of an existing handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.addValueFormattedResponse(String handle, AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Adds a value to an existing handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.deleteValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String handle, int index)
          Deletes a value associated with an existing handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.getHandleFormattedResponse(String handle)
          Retrieves the values associated with a given handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.listHandlesFormattedResponse()
          List the handles owned by the caller of the ANDS PID service.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.mintHandleFormattedResponse(AndsPidClient.HandleType type, int index, String value)
          Responsible for the creation of a handle with a value at a specific index.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.mintHandleFormattedResponse(AndsPidClient.HandleType type, String value)
          Responsible for the creation of a handle.
 AndsPidResponse AndsPidClient.modifyValueByIndexFormattedResponse(String handle, int index, String newValue)
          Changes a value associated with an existing handle.

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